
Tuesday 20 February 2018

My blog.

Hi my name is Lucy  and im 7 years old and I like cats and dogs and i do gymnastics .
And I love  my family s. And i also like my friends.
And my  seniors friends.


  1. Hi Lucy. What a terrific blog post! You are very clever at writing. Why do you like cats and dogs? Is there something about them that you love?

    1. Hi Mr Wilkinson. I like cat's and dogs because they are cute and adorable. Do you have a cat or a dog?

    2. Hi Lucy it's me your best friend soheilla wanna play a game at school like uh pokemon in real life I really really love cats and dogs how about next time you could talk about what kind of cat pattern and dog pattern

    3. Thak you for messenge and you are my best friend

  2. I don't have any pets at the moment, maybe one day... At the moment I am busy enough with my 3 year old and 1 year old son :-)

    1. Mr Wilkinson. I might get a fish when I move houses for my room. You should get one and make it a surprise for your 3 year old and one year old


      To Mr Wilkinson

    2. Hi soheilla i 💭 you are funny


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